ARML 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024- June 1, 2024 Multiday event - 2 days

UAH Campus

The 2024 American Regions Mathematics League competition will be taking place on the UAH campus May 31 through June 1.

ARML began in 1976 as a contest between all-star teams of 15 students each chosen from various regions such as the state of North Carolina, Montgomery County near Baltimore, or New York City. Because these teams have the best students in a region, ARML has always had interesting and challenging problems given in a variety of formats, some of which allow students to work together and some of which are individual in nature.

The ARML contest starts at 8 am Eastern Daylight Time on the first Saturday after Memorial Day in America. The contest consists of 4 rounds: Team, Power, Individual, and Relay Races. More details can be found under Contest Procedures, but in summary, on the Team round, all 15 students can work together for 20 minutes to solve 10 problems. On the Power Question they work together for 60 minutes to solve extended questions on a topic, with some questions requiring proofs. On the Individual round students receive a total of 10 questions in pairs with 10 minutes for each pair. They cannot work together. The two Relay Races take 6 minutes each with teams of three solving a chain of problems. Since the Relay Races are unusual, they require a greater explanation. Go first to Contest Procedures for an explanation of the Relay round and then go to go to the section on Relay Races Examples and Analysis for more information.

No calculators may be used on any part of the contest.

Learn more on the ARML3 Website


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UAH Campus

301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899

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