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The University of Alabama in Huntsville partners with the Huntsville City School District (HCS) to provide this early college program. 

The College Academy is a rigorous program where selected HCS students take a combination of high school and college courses that meet high school graduation requirements and the requirements of the following college bodies: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee/Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System (AGSC/STARS); Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE).

Upon graduation from the College Academy, students may enter UAH with up to 60 hours of college credit, thus entering college as a junior. Students may also be eligible for merit and need-based scholarships when they enter UAH full-time.

More information about the program is available here, and the College Academy Handbook is here.

UAH Mission Statement

The University of Alabama in Huntsville is an internationally recognized, comprehensive research intensive university that produces important discoveries, provides an outstanding education, and serves the workforce needs of Redstone Arsenal, the greater Huntsville area, the state and beyond. Our mission is to explore, discover, create and transfer knowledge, and to educate students from diverse backgrounds in leadership, innovation, inclusivity, critical thinking and civic responsibility, while inspiring a passion for learning.

College Academy Mission Statement

Allow exceptional students to begin college in high school, participate in college activities, take classes in college facilities, and earn approximately 60 hours of college credit* in courses taught by college professors in Huntsville’s only College Academy.

*Students entering College Academy in their high school freshman year have the opportunity to earn approximately 60 credit hours of college credit at UAH; however, students entering College Academy beyond their freshman year will likely earn less than 60 credit hours of college credit.

College Academy Contact Information

Mae Jemison High School 

College Academy Office: (256) 428-8112
Mae Jemison High School: (256) 428-8100

The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Ms. Brenda Youngblood
Academic Program Manager
College Academy Liaison
(256) 824-6767

Ms. Kellee Crawford
Senior Program Coordinator
College Academy Academic Advisor
(256) 824-6673