a group of UAH students representing Blue Gems Society walking in front of a building

Welcome to the Blue Gems Monthly Giving Society, where your consistent support creates a lasting impact. By becoming a Blue Gems member, you will join a community of dedicated individuals committed to sustaining UAH’s mission.

What is Blue Gems?

The Blue Gems Monthly Giving Society is a special group of supporters who make a monthly contribution to UAH, providing a reliable source of funding for our university’s important initiatives. Your ongoing support ensures that UAH can continue to educate and inspire tomorrow’s leaders, generate new knowledge, and innovate solutions to address many of our society’s toughest challenges.

Monthly giving is a budget-friendly opportunity to maximize your impact throughout the year. Your gifts can be designated to an area that is meaningful to you, such as a transformative student scholarship, your preferred college’s excellence fund, or any programmatic fund of your choice.

Membership Benefits:

  1. Monthly Impact: Your recurring donation ensures a steady flow of support throughout the year, helping us to recruit top-tier students and faculty, offer life-changing resources and opportunities, and generate a talented workforce that fuels Huntsville’s economic growth.
  2. Recognition: You will enjoy prominent recognition on our website and social media platforms unless you wish to remain anonymous.
  3. Exclusive Blue Gems pin: You will receive an exclusive Blue Gems lapel pin to symbolize your dedication and our gratitude.

How to Join

Becoming a Blue Gems member is easy! Simply visit our giving page and set up your monthly contribution. Your support will help us cultivate a transformative spirit of discovery, creativity, and civic responsibility that our students will carry into the future.