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Changes to Sunday Hours

The Salmon Library, start on June 30th, will have new hours for Sunday: 1pm to 8pm. These will remain in place until the library transitions to Fall 2024 hours which will then transition to 11am to 8pm to be better reflect patron usage.

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ScienceDirect Celebrates 25 Years!

The online database landscape was completely different twenty-five years ago when ScienceDirect launched. Over the past two-and-a-half decades, there have been many innovations, shifts, and new concepts created to make it easier to find the materials you need and access them in a logical, timely manner. For those who have been researching for a long time and for those who been researching for a short time, ScienceDirect's 25th Anniversary Timeline is a great glance into the art of what goes into online academic tools. 

science direct 25 years of discovery