opce hel metrology workshop


2024 HEL Metrology Workshop // September 11-12, 2024

The University of Alabama in Huntsville

The 2024 HEL Optics Metrology Workshop presentations and discussions will include Limited Distribution D information. This restricts participation in the workshop to U.S. citizens who are employees of the Department of Defense or its contractors.


Submitting Visit Requests


Attendees holding a security clearance who have access to DISS

Attendees holding a security clearance and having access to Defense Information System for Security (DISS) should send a visit notification via DISS including the following information:

  • Purpose of Visit: 2024 HEL Optics Metrology Workshop
  • Point of contact: April McMeans
  • POC Phone: 256.824.6048
  • Visited SMO: 9B9445
  • Dates of visit: 11-12 September 2024

Attendees without a security clearance and/or access to DISS

Attendees without a security clearance and/or access to DISS must submit a Visit Request Letter as follows. The letter can be in the format best suited for your organization; however, it must contain all the applicable information listed below.

The request must:

  1. Be typed on your company letterhead
  2. Be signed by your company FSO, immediate supervisor, or program manager who are willing to legally verify the information
  3. Identify you by name as a company employee
  4. State your citizenship
  5. Include the last four digits of your social security number and date of birth
  6. State that you work on a DoD contract that gives you a valid need-to-know of Limited Distribution D information to be presented at the HEL Optics Metrology Workshop (you may include the contract number(s) here if you choose).

You may utlize our Visit Request Letter Template.



    All visit requests must be submitted to the UAH Office of Research Security no later than 1600 (4:00 p.m.) CDT on Wednesday, September 6, 2024.

    Submit requests to:

     april.mcmeans@uah.edu or fax requests to 256.824.6929 


    Attending the Workshop

    Attendee identification will be verified on-site at the registration table.

    Valid forms of ID include:

    • valid US state driver’s license or ID card
    • US Passport
    • US Government ID
    • copy of Birth Certificate

    Visit Request Letter Template



    To Whom It May Concern,

    [Full Legal Name of Attendee] is an employee at [Attendee Company Name], a U.S. Citizen, and works on a DoD contract that gives them a valid need-to-know of Limited Distribution D information to be presented at the HEL Optics Metrology Workshop. [The contract #(s) may be added here if you choose.] The last four digits of their social are [Last 4 of SS#] and their date of birth is [Attendee DoB]. They are attending the UAH HEL Optics Metrology Workshop on September 11-12, 2024.

    Please accept this document as a visit request for [Full Legal Name of Attendee].

    I am [Attendee Name]'s [company FSO, immediate supervisor, or program manager] at [Attendee Company Name] and legally verify the information provided for [Full Legal Name of Attendee].



    [company FSO, immediate supervisor, or program manager name]


    [contact info]
