
The M. Louis Salmon Library has installed a new turnstile system to enter & exit the lobby. Keep this in mind if you are planning on visiting the library, because it requires an additional step depending on your campus affiliation. 

Students, Faculty, and Staff entering the library

Bring your Charger Card when you visit the library. Then, just tap your card on the red button to open the turnstile gates. Note, you will need to enter one person at a time. If you have lost your Charger Card or find it unavailable, we can check your status upon you entering. If you need help replacing your Charger Card, contact the UAH Charger Card Office


Guests entering the library

Guests who wish to the visit the library on library business sign in over to the left of the turnstiles upon entering the building. If you need help with this process, then someone at the User Services Desk should be able to assist you. 

Exiting the library

To exit the turnstiles, simple stand on the raised platform in front of the glass gates and wait a moment for the gates to open. 

If you have questions

If you have questions or would like to know more about this new procedure, you may contact the User Services Desk by stopping by in person, emailing library@uah.edu or by calling (256) 824-6530. 
